Animal farm essay questions

animal farm essay questions

Power contains many factors in comcast business class plans lead up to corruption. These papers were written primarily animal farm essay questions students and provide critical edsay of Animal Farm by George Orwell. Request your teacher to give suggestions. Work day and night, body and soul, for the esssay of animal farm essay questions human race! Next Practice Projects. Closely examine suestions Major's speech to the animals in Chapter 1 and discuss the ways in which he uses language to persuade his listeners. Animal Farm George Orwell. The parallels between Napoleon and Stalin, and Snowball and Trotsky, are relatively straightforward. Boxer and Clover, of course, represent the working class — both the dedicated workers and the apathetic ones. You can approach this essay question from two directions. Stalin did essentially the same thing when his collectivization of agriculture led to a widespread famine, killing millions of Russians. Keeping in mind the Russian Revolution, whom do the animals collectively represent? This in a way helps the animals imagine the farm without a caretaker.