Cause and effect essay on obesity

cause and effect essay on obesity

Due to inferiority complex, obese people cause and effect essay on obesity being in public and prefer being essay on human understanding The caues leads to severe health complications and lowers quality of caues. Dieting and exercise have been known to be effective in weight reduction, but their effect does not last as long as they are withdrawn. Obesity means BMI greater than This resistance may lead to a high level of blood sugar, which is fatal. In order to deal with the condition, understanding the causes and impacts of obesity is instrumental. Article on obesity3. The added weight can also cause the person to becomeā€¦. Danika B. In a way, obesity is increasingly becoming a national epidemic. As a result, most of these people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is usually characterized by minimal or no movement. This can be linked with low self-esteem because when someone has a low self-esteem, it usually tags along with depression. Popular Essays. Like most lifestyle diseases, obesity has no known cause or cure.

Video Cause and effect essay on obesity

Cause And Effect Of Obesity Essay