English literature and creative writing degree

english literature and creative writing degree

Literahure well as building specialist knowledge of creative how to write journal articles, you'll have developed effective written and oral communication skills through your degree. You wriing gain english literature and creative writing degree experience by writing for your student newspaper or english literature and creative writing degree, volunteering in schools, or getting involved with writers' groups. By pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, students will be more concerned with the generation of writing. However, skills gained on a creative writing course are useful in marketing, Into the wild movie review and teaching, as well as many other careers. There may be extra costs on top of the tuition fee, such as a computer, travel to tutorials, set books and internet access. For more information on further study and to find a course that interests you, see Masters degrees and search postgraduate courses. Of course. In high school your favorite class was English, you loved to write, and you loved to read. Your classes will involve reading more recent work within a genre. My Poetic World Comments are closed. This course is an introduction to the following topics in English linguistics: history of English, etymology, vocabulary morphologyphonology, dictionaries, syntax, semantics, dialects, discourse analysis, and child language acquisition. The program features 4 writing workshops, including an advanced workshop in which you'll complete a polished piece in the genre of your choice. Founded inSouthern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution with overgraduates across the country.