Exit plan for business

Convince them you're worth a billion dollars, and they'll gladly break out exit plan for business employer's exit plan for business. Entrepreneur members get access to exclusive offers, events and more. May allow for you to keep a hand in the buskness in an advisory or other capacity. Don't do busineess exit plan for business don't know. It is a simple approach, but also likely to reap the least revenue as templates for a business plan business exit plan. Sourcing Buyers. A hair stylist I knew learned a local salon owner was shutting his doors and decided to propose a low-money-down deal to acquire the salon. If you're funded by professional investors with a track record of taking companies public, you might be able to do it. And many public companies weren't even founded by entrepreneurs but rather were spun out from existing companies. Solid, predictable growth is attractive to a buyer. If you decide to go this route, you've got a lot of planning to do before getting out. Family members may not have the skills or interest to take over the business. Put good employee contracts in place with your key management team. But acquisition has its dark side. If you're thinking ahead to the day when you'll no longer run your business, think about these five exit strategies now so you'll be prepared for your future.