Funny homework answers from kids

funny homework answers from kids

By Emerald Funny homework answers from kids May 4, Whether it's a lazy case of bad math, a comically geometry homework answer key family portrait, or a too-literal interpretation of the assignment see aboveā€¦and how to write a critical evaluation essaysome students just funny homework answers from kids know how to tickle our funny bones. Leonardo da Vinci would have appreciated this nice little puzzle. But then a History teacher will be offended. Well, judging from the reaction, this teacher is not very good at solving crimes. We hope that in math this student will make more progress than he has made in respecting women so far. Some say Tony is disciplined and loves music. Drawing a plant in jail is a creative way to get around not remembering what cytoplasm is. Deriving a regular pattern is a pretty useful skill and one may just hope that a student does not lose it in hard combat with complex math formulas. So while getting funny student answers instructors just reap what textbook authors have sown. No shame in that game, Tony! The example above demonstrates that a math problem can be solved beautifully and creatively. Now who might put blame on young learners for demonstrating a bit larger vocabulary than teachers expected? This simple trick can help you stay healthy.