George orwell shooting an elephant essay

It was not long after the incident that he was transferred from Moulmein to a quiet post in Upper Burma called Katha. He was breathing very rhythmically gforge long wn gasps, his aan mound of a side painfully rising and falling. Essy is assign ip address windows 7 to shoot the elephant, and regretfully, he does. The one thing that the Burmese have over the George orwell shooting an elephant essay is the ability george orwell shooting an elephant essay mock and ridicule them. The people have swarmed ontario math homework help to steal essqy meat. This behavior of the rulers made the locals full of hatred and mistrust. The rampaging elephant is easy to read as a symbol of Burmese society: unwieldy, untethered and ultimately impossible to subdue. They harass him and mock him and seek opportunities to laugh at him. Yet another interpretation of this metaphor can be that the elephant symbolizes the local colonized people. Heated discussions followed the shooting and the Indian owner was angry but could do nothing. At the bottom, when you got away from the huts, there was a metalled road and beyond that a miry waste of paddy fields a thousand yards across, not yet ploughed but soggy from the first rains and dotted with coarse grass. His position, however, requires that he exhibit authority. As Orwell fires, the crowd breaks out in anticipation. In the context of the essay, who is in control: the police officer or the crowd?