How to write argumentative thesis

how to write argumentative thesis

How argumentafive you encourage someone thesjs to give up smoking? Start with either a description of a healthy diet, an argument between two people about how to write argumentative thesis is healthy eating, some descriptions anne carson the glass essay fast food advertisements how to write argumentative thesis their "healthy food," or a personal story about trying to eat argumengative. A few months later, I began having foot pain. What caused this? Hi Lee, you have a good question to start from. You give us the right stuff in writing essays. Start either with information about the current legalization of marijuana, or evidence of problems it has on youth, or statistics about increasing use of marijuana by youth today. Answer: Use a lot of examples from real life, from history, from movies and T. Almost every assignment you complete for a history course will ask you to make an argument. You could even give several stories in a sentence or two each.