I dont want to do homework

i dont want to do homework

With my younger daughter to put to bed, Lily in a melt-down and me exhausted dant a day at i dont want to do homework, the tension was rapidly rising. Share yours! It was probably only three days worth in reality, but I get way too distracted. The most helpful part was thinking about the consequences. Article Covering letter for resume. Very helpful information, my son who is 7 is not the biggest donf of homework. At home, some have been made to feel they are not wnt enough by parents or are i dont want to do homework by more academic sisters and brothers. I was later told several times that our shared love of reading together helped make her a good reader, one of the better ones of her class. Carrying college work to the house can be so frustrating to my family members. Sumitha, I agree about using some rewards for forming habits. Get a bit of rest instead of struggling with the homework; it will help you a lot in the long run. Catch up with a family member about both of your days. Last school year after Spring Break I had finally had enough, and decided homework would get done on my terms, I wanted my happy go lucky son back, so some nights we did not do homework, knowing that on nights that we did there would be more. Consider the short and long-term benefits. If you can, put your head down for a 15 to minute nap. Updated: May 1, Read morebut we are also encouraged by the stories of our readers finding help through our site.