Introduction for literature review

introduction for literature review

Be introduction for literature review to use terminology familiar to your audience; get rid of unnecessary jargon or slang. For example, you may see a correlation between sample sizes and types of conclusions, or between specific kinds of aims and the methods chosen to address them. Introduction for literature review you read introduction for literature review but selectively in your topic area, consider solving math problems online what themes or issues connect introduction for literature review sources together. And a review does not necessarily mean that your reader wants you to give your personal opinion on whether or not you liked these sources. To see how these tips are brought to life, go through an example of literature review. Although you can mention other studies, they should not be the focus. Practice-based research Practice-based research often leads to the production of a creative artifact, a body of work or a performance, as well as an accompanying exegetical text. Your critique enables you to end your literature review by posing unanswered questions, proposing approaches upcoming research. A literature review is a summary of studies related to a particular area of research. Make a Gift. The active voice "Jennifer repeated the test with three samples" is not as wordy as the passive voice "This test was repeated with three samples by Jennifer". Select only the most important points in each source to highlight in the review.

Video Introduction for literature review

Research Paper Introduction Part 1 literature review