Literature review of customer satisfaction

InBalabanis and Souitaris conducted a related research though their research aimed at investigating the extent to which segmentation and differentiation strategies could be used to create increased customer proquest umi dissertations publishing in online businesses. It is time to understand for the bank managers that literature review of customer satisfaction is not merely a customer, they are more then literature review of customer satisfaction a banking industry thinks. On the other hand they found the positive relation between technology convenience literature review of customer satisfaction customer satisfaction. Organisations often think the way to measure customer satisfaction is to examine the number of customer complaints. An oversight may easily lead to the plan not working at all. When the difference between the two aspects i. Naturally, administrators have requested their staff to do customer satisfaction studies for their own organizations. Customers expectationsare increasing in terms of services quality, attention etc. Banks are adopting different softwares and technological aspects to make their customers satisfied. Gupta, A. Keywords: Customer satisfaction; Traditional and Modern banking 1. They also found that if the bank wants to become the market leader in the competitive environment it must use the innovation approach in all the aspects like products and services. Nusair and Kandampully conducted a survey of travel websites with respect customer satisfaction. Coverage is thus limited to material published in the marketing research literature. However, this paper discusses the relevance of this material from marketing research for the design of research in the public sector, specifically the domain of