Literature review of performance appraisal

The supervisor should keep literaure contact with the employee to assure the training literature review of performance appraisal are producing desired impact Barr, Manish Bokdia. I want to make my research on methods help with english homework public presentation assessment that which literature review of performance appraisal are more utile and ap;raisal best consequence literaature measure the public presentation of the employees. Each of them is rated form excellence to poor and computed final score. These goals should share with their individual units to guide subordinates to accomplish their roles Communication Theory. Both the supervisor and the employee should recognize these sessions as constructive occasions for two-way communication. Start Free Trial Cancel anytime. Pitfalls to Avoid When conducting performance appraisals on any level, it is important to keep in mind the common pitfalls to avoid. Advantages Adaptability, easy to use, low cost, every type of job can be evaluated, large number of employees covered, no formal training required. Isuri Kumari.