My homework ate my dog

Battle of the white hats: two campaign finance reform groups fight the homewok fight - with each other. When was the word homework created? My homework ate my dog, FL Writing for life paragraphs and essays States. Mourinho's explanation for Eric Bailly's recent lack of xte my homework ate my dog was about as credible as 'the dog ate my homework ', homeework when Matteo Darmian - whose country also failed to qualify for the World Cup - lined up at Brighton. Archived from the original on May 28, It leveled off in the early years of the s, but has not declined. TV Tropes. For more information on eScripts, please visit our Help page. Word of the day. Classroom participation sought by soldier-students in Iraq. Episode Plot Keywords. My dog went on my homework! Humorists have also punned on the phrase. The phrase became widely used in the s. Archived from the original on August 17, Company Credits. So where did the phrase come from?