Northwestern university creative writing

northwestern university creative writing

Get to know the instructors on our MA in Northwestern university creative writing Faculty page. Students nortwhestern learn from prominent visiting writers at our annual Festival of Writing in the Spring. Northwestern university creative writing northwestedn gives students time to deepen both their creative writing and their study of literature. The project may be northwestefn long piece or a series of shorter pieces. Northwestern university creative writing students who have completed at least one course in fiction writing, further study of matters of technique and structure, with an emphasis on the exploration assistant accountant cover letter character and discovery of northwestern university creative writing through the process of revising. Some students fulfill their requirements--ofand well before the time of application to the program. The Graduate School permits students to submit the culminating project for the MFA at the end of full-time enrollment, or afterward. The program is enriched by its students who come from various backgrounds and careers. Applications are due by pm on April 30, Business How can I see my work funded, produced, performed and distributed? Financial aid opportunities exist for students at Northwestern. The emphasis will be on structure, technique, and style. Please send an email to the professor with your writing background to request a permission number once registration for winter quarter has opened. There was such a serious sense of purpose. This is the first required course for the major and can be taken as early as the Winter or Spring of Freshman year. Professor Christopher Herbertpictured above with department chair Susan Manningwas celebrated on the occasion of his retirement for 51 years of exemplary research, teaching, and service to Northwestern.

Video Northwestern university creative writing

Christine Sneed on Teaching Fiction