Pros and cons of gay marriage essay

Encourages formal relationships and acquisition of joint assets: Once the couples legally marry, they can use the marriage certificate to acquire property together, be citizens of other countries together, and seek marital laws. To pros and cons of gay marriage essay against same sex marriage is how to solve equilibrium problems be against the depredation of Australian society in general. Save my name, pros and cons of gay marriage essay, and starting a narrative essay in this browser for the next time I comment. I believe that they should have the benefits of marriage like health insurance being shared, as well as retirement. You will discover some new laws and amendments that are about to happen in our country, and some things that people are against. Pro 7 Marriage is not only for procreation, otherwise infertile couples or couples not wishing to have children would be prevented from marrying. There are many pros and cons of gay marriage in America. Nelson, the Supreme Court of Minnesota found that "the institution of marriage as a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis. None to speak of. Gay marriage is a civil union between two people of the same sex. The four couples, one female and three male, were married in a televised ceremony officiated by the mayor of Amsterdam.