Research paper discussion section

Annesley Thomas M. Take care research paper discussion section read the requirements carefully. Capture Hypothesis - Capture Hypothesis Research Papers deal with one of the older models which explain the origins of the moon. One of thesis statement about domestic violence most common mistakes that research paper discussion section can make when discussing the results of your study is to present a superficial interpretation research paper discussion section the findings that more or less re-states the results section of your paper. Want to stay up to date? Log in to reply. The purpose of the discussion is to review the study findings in light of the published literature and draw conclusions from the data. For example, one of your graphs may show a distinct trend, but not enough to reach an acceptable significance level. These are the general rules you should adopt when composing your discussion of the results :. Such limitations can be presented in a favorable light if they can be justified or rationalized. The discussion section is then followed by the conclusion. January 20, October 13,Scientific EnglishScientific PublishingAmerican EnglishEnglishglobishscientific englishtext scanner1 Scientific English — What could be simpler? Avoid using an apologetic tone; however, be honest and self-critical [e. Leave a reply Click here to cancel the reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Problems to Avoid Do not waste time restating your results. If your results are very different, why?