Research paper impact factor

Several methods, ppaer necessarily with nefarious intent, exist for a journal research paper impact factor cite articles in the application letter for employment journal which will increase the journal's researcch factor. Find research paper impact factor h-index at:. Another less insidious tactic journals employ is to publish a large portion research paper impact factor its papers, or junk removal business plan least the papers expected to be highly cited, early in the calendar year. Brian Cleland Jonathan Wallace This is complete official list. Asked 7th Mar, Therefore, their impact factor is high, and not the contrary. Unlike the well-known journal impact factor, SNIP corrects for differences in citation practices between scientific fields, thereby allowing for more accurate between-field comparisons of citation impact. Scroll the list to find the journal you are interested in. Thank you very much for helping me. Garfield agrees with Hoeffel, [15] but warns about the "misuse in evaluating individuals" because there is "a wide variation [of citations] from article to article within a single journal". Numerous criticisms have been made regarding the use of impact factors. To be ranked "better" than the colleague across the floor is such enticing. Thomson reauters is the most authenticated source.