Results section of a research paper

results section of a research paper

Martyn Shuttleworth Mar secion, In general, raw data that has not been summarized should not be included in the reuslts text of your results section of a research paper unless requested to do so by your professor. This is common in longer reseadch, and your discussion researfh of the paper will generally follow the same structure. Do not confuse observations with interpretations; observations in phd thesis writing services context refers to highlighting results section of a research paper findings you discovered through a process of reviewing prior literature and gathering data. Be sure not to include any subjective interpretation of the results. Footer bottom Explorable. Tables and Figures. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No You can then provide your own analysis of what these results mean in the discussion section of your paper. This is useful in re-orientating the reader's focus back to the research problem after reading the literature review and your explanation of the methods of data gathering and analysis. Learn how to construct, style and format an Academic paper and take your skills to the next level. APA sample paper: Experimental psychology. Get your instant quote! A systematic description of your research results and a correct data analysis and interpretation are related to statistical significance, as they help avoid speculations or misinterpretations by readers of your academic article.