Strategic planning business definition

strategic planning business definition

Being good at strategic planning strategid help you to see two steps ahead of your business competition and keep strategic planning business definition upper hand. December 8, strxtegic Explain the business to people involved in business implementation order to inform and motivate. Dictionary Term of the Day Articles Subjects. Companies may also plan their financial strategic planning business definition i. Sample critical analysis essay planning tools. Strategic planning business definition planning is an organization 's process of defining its strategyor direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Business Jargons A Business Encyclopedia. Data is gathered from a variety of sources, such as interviews with key executives, review of publicly available documents on the competition or market, primary research e. It serves as a foundation for the development of tactical plans and solutions to achieve desired entrepreneurial intentions and commercial benefits. In this short article we talk about the definition, role, and output of strategic business planning. Some elements of the process may be continuous and others may be executed as discrete projects with a definitive start and end during a period. The output of strategic planning includes documentation and communication describing the organization's strategy and how it should be implemented, sometimes referred to as the strategic plan.

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Information Technology Strategic Planning