Submitting assignments on blackboard

You submitting assignments on blackboard use the Browse My Computer button to find the file on your computer and upload it to the submission. You submitting assignments on blackboard can review the information in two ways: through the Assignment itself and through the My Grades area. You will also receive an work backwards problem solving confirmation every time you submit an assignment. Submitting assignments on blackboard should receive individual problem solving activities confirmation message submitting assignments on blackboard you submit your assignment. This area is where you fill find the instructions and due date for the assignment. University of Arkansas at Little Rock Apply. Search Search for:. Submitting your work with the Assignment tool in Blackboard allows you to easily upload your homework files to your instructor and receive files back, along with your grade. They also help instructors explain how your work is evaluated. You can access the submission history page by clicking the name of the assignment. Read the contents of this area carefully. We recommend that students compose assignments in a word processing program and either copy and paste the text into the text area or attach the file using the File Attachment button. Read on to learn how to upload a file or use the text box to submit an assignment through Blackboard. An exclamation point! Once you click the Assignment link, you will be brought to the Assignment page as pictured here. If you are not yet ready to hand in the Assignment, you can click Save As Draft to be able to return later, work on it more, and then submit it.