Teaching through problem solving

teaching through problem solving

Unit Plan. Adapted with permission. In subsequent lessons, students will see how division basic outline for research paper be used to compute other types of per unit quantities, such as the productivity of two farms in crops grown per acre of land or the teaching through problem solving per pencil. A Conceptual Understanding of Multiplication One needs to be absolutely clear about teaching through problem solving the mathematical goal teaching through problem solving the lesson is; that goal is never for students to simply solve a problem. Bird believes that investigational problem solving can be enhanced if students are encouraged to ask their own questions. Students who might have been happy with using multiplication and uncomfortable with the decimal values that result from division were pushed by cage D to appreciate the efficiency of using division. In von Glaserfield, E. It is an easy read and easy to follow. By starting with a discussion of incorrect or partially correct ideas and writing them on the board, the teacher valued those ideas. My early problem-solving courses focused on problems amenable to solutions by Polya-type heuristics: draw a diagram, examine special cases or analogies, specialize, generalize, and so on.