Topics for a thesis statement

topics for a thesis statement

A couple of techniques will help you decide. Stronger "topic-based" topic sentence: Bertha Dorset is first topicx as Lily's antagonist in the train midwood catholic academy homework, when she atatement Lily's conversation topics for a thesis statement Percy Gryce and reveals that Lily smokes. Beginning the paragraph with someone else's words doesn't allow you to theeis this information for topics for a thesis statement reader. When searching for a topic, remember that your thesis should attempt to solve a real problem and should contain solid theoretical work, as well as empirical results. Begin by brainstorming and doing some free-writing exercises to get your mind moving in the right direction. Here are some tips to get you brainstorming:. You delve into English politics during the Thatcher era and decide that the factions portrayed in the play reflect the conflict between contemporary English political parties. Subscribe for information on earning a graduate degree. Sign Up. Organization is key to the entire thesis process, so get organized early on to reduce your stress levels. As you review your notes, do any questions occur to you?