What is a business contingency plan

what is a business contingency plan

Next, identify the potential threats to these critical resources. Choosing the proper type of insurance to cover your risks and having good, junior achievement essay competition up-to-date insurance coverage will go what is a business contingency plan long ways toward getting your small business up and running again if disaster strikes. For this important step, you might consider leveraging a mobile business continuity appwhat is a business contingency plan provides contingency plans and related documents directly to each employee on his or her mobile device. About Us News and Events Jobs. Don't let your customers wonder if you are open or not when disaster strikes - a quick post on Facebook can keep them up to date. If it was stolen or destroyed, would your business be able to quickly get up and running again or even carry on at all? What contingencies do you think are most likely to affect your organization? A retail store could find its business disrupted by street repairs that make it difficult for customers to park and come through the front entrance. Your business data is your most valuable asset. Once each plan is completed and approved, ensure that every employee and stakeholder has easy access to it. Recommended articles.