What is a literature search

Translating what is a literature search question what is a literature search proposing a business plan This will provide results based on any of the words specified; hence, they are the cornerstone of an effective search. Outcomes loterature resources in Litersture Current literatute, need and way searxh. The easy access and ability to capture entire articles research proposal methodology example the web make it attractive. Address for correspondence: Prof. In short, systematic and well-organised research may help in designing a novel research. Searching the medical literature using PubMed: A tutorial. Focuses on synthesizing the literatue what is a literature search facilitating the translation of evidence-based research. Support Center Support Center. In this case scenario: Patients P — What is the important group of patients? Comprehensive database designed to streamline the search process by providing evidence on treatment of spine problems that is organized effectively and graded according to evidence class Maintained by AOSpine International and requires a paid membership for access. Users' guides to the medical literature. Primary literature Primary sources are the authentic publication of an expert's new evidence, conclusions and proposals case reports, clinical trials, etc and are usually published in a peer-reviewed journal. By combining terms using Boolean logictruncating a term, and using the limits option we were able to narrow our search down from 16, articles to a more manageable and relevant 54 articles. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. Spellings should also be taken into account, i. This PubMed feature searches for similar citations using an intricate algorithm that scans titles, abstracts and MeSH terms. Address for correspondence Andrea Skelly moc.