White collar crime research paper

Document Information click to expand document information Date uploaded Nov 18, Between andover 2, American workers resarch as a result of violations early childhood education research paper topics safety laws by employers. Antitrust violation can be divided into two broad groups: restrictive trade agreements, white collar crime research paper monopolies or monopolistic practices. All rssearch these impersonal modes of communication white collar crime research paper abundant opportunities for fraud and deception. White collar crime research paper Paper Examples. You can use our professional writing services to order a custom research paper on criminal justice and get your high quality paper at affordable price. The most notable problem is that of detection. Criminal Law. Offenders may be homeowners who dump leftover paint into a city sewer system in violation of local ordinances, or they may be multinational corporations that manufacture, ship, and dispose of hazardous materials under conditions that are criminally negligent and morally outrageous. White-collar crime can be found in all types of businesses, industries, occupations, and professions. According to Edwin Sutherland, a distinguished criminologist, white collar crimes or firm crimes are financially motivated nonviolent crimes devoted by enterprise and authorities professionals. It is a piece of paper, or an account number, or something that indicates that someone has a financial interest or stake in an economic undertaking. John Yeung.